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My two-way radio is getting static. What should I do?


Answer: Typically this means you have an issue with the antenna system. Bring it down to us and we can test it. A bad antenna, radio connector or pinched coax can cause this symptom.


My internet is not working (if telephone, not able to dial out). What should I do?


Answer: 1) Reset the power on your computer and router if you have one present. Check for internet. 2) Reset the power on your internet connection for about 30 seconds. This is the unit where both your computer/router and the outside transceiver connect. Check again for internet. 3) For the telephone and internet, reset power for 30 seconds on the telephone adapter too. Check for internet. 4) In any instance, please call Bullitt Communications at 406-756-4638 to let us know that you were having problems.


I am getting many email bounces/rejections on my email account


You may have been HACKED! Many times when you use your email address and email password to log into other online accounts, those accounts become hacked and then, guess what? They have access into your email account. They can read your email and send email from your account as spam. This has happened several times to our customers and it can happen to you! To minimize your risk of being hacked consider the following safeguards:
  1. Use complex passwords.  Use capitalized and non-capitalized letters, numbers and symbols.
  2. Use a different password for each account that you use.  I have tried and like, but don’t use (hypocritical huh?).  It works across different operating systems and is very intuitive. Also check out
  3. Don’t use your email password to log into other sites; ESPECIALLY those that use your email address as your username.
  4. Consider changing your passwords frequently.  Dashlane helps with this too.
  5. If all else fails, give us a call and ask us if we can help you!